Full JavaScript Masterclass Course: ES6 Modern Development

Cập nhật: 17 thg 5, 2019 tháng 5 17, 2019

Full JavaScript Masterclass Course: ES6 Modern Development
- 100%



What you 'll learn:
JavaScript programming
Application programming
Semantics of general programming
The format of coding applications
All the functions of JavaScript programming
Application programming
Web development knowledge

Content Of Course ( 70 lectures )

- Introduction To This Course

- Setup on Windows

- Setup on Mac OS X

- Setup on Linux

- Online Code IDE

- Comment: How to use Comment

- Noscript Tag: when browser doesn't support script

- Strict Mode: Strict mode helps to solve and prevent some errors.

- Console Output: You can use Console.log() to display JavaScript values, check errors, debug in the terminal window(F12)

- Variables: Create, declare and assign variables

- Prompt: The Prompt() method display a dialog box that prompts the visitor input.

- Functions: it replace something that repeats a lot or when an even occurs,

- Arithmetic Operators: Standard Operator: addition'+', subtraction'-', multiplication'*', division'/'.

- Comparison Operators: How to use Compare Operators: Equality operator (==) and Inequality Operator(!=).

- Logical Operators: It will return boolean true if either or both oprands is true and returns false otherwise.

- Bitwise Operators: A bitwise operator is an operator used to performbitwise operations on bit patterns or binary numerals that involve the manipulation of individual bits.

- Assignment Operators: assign a value to Operator's left operand based on the value Operator's right.

- Conditional Operators: It is used to assign values, compare values, perform arithmetic operations, and more.

- Typeof Operator: is used to get type of data (return a string).

- Conditional Statements: they are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

- Switch Statement: they are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

- For Loop: A for loop repeats until a specified condition evaluates to false.

- For In Loop: is used to loop through an object's properties.

- While Loop: creates a loop that executes a specified statement as long as the test condition evaluates to true. The condition is evaluated before executing the statement.

- Do While Loop: creates a loop that executes a specified statement until the test condition evaluates to false.

- Loops Advanced:

- Events:

- Cookies: are small pieces of data that are saved on the client's computer.

- Redirect Page: direct url that visitors visited, it will change other URL,..

- Dialog Box: display a dialog box to remind, notify,..

- Void Operator:

- Printing the Page : Open the Print dialog to print the current doc.

* Quiz 1 - Basics: Review all of your knowledge that you learned. Time to test your JavaScript Basics.

- Number: type of Number

- Boolean: Type of boolean value

- String: type of string

- Date:

- Regular Expressions: is used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are also objects.

- Arrays: Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable.

- Math:

- HTML DOM: 'DOM' is the Document Object Model.It is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents.

* Quiz 2 - Objects: Time to test your knowledge which you learned.

- Simple Class Example:

- Variables: Create, declare and assign variables

- Functions: it replace something that repeats a lot or when an even occurs,

- Static Functions:

- Instanceof Operator:

- Class Inheritance:

- Method Overriding:

- Super Keyword:

* Quiz 3 - Classes: Time to test your knowledge which you learned.

- Error Handling:

- Validation:

- Animation:

- Multimedia Controls:

- Image Map:

- Browser Navigator:

- Modules:

- Promises:

- Block Scope:

- Loop Labels:

- Variable Hoisting:

- Function Hoisting:

- Anonymous Functions:

- Arrow & Lambda Functions:

- Function Constructor:

- Generator Functions:

- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions :

- JavaScript URI:

- Template Literals:

- Map Collection:

- Set Collection:


* Quiz 4 - Advanced:

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